Welcome to the Subnautica Blog

Unknown Worlds has begun work on a new game: Subnautica. It is an open world, underwater exploration and construction game. Right now, this game is dry dock. The hull is being assembled, technology is being tested, and the crew is in training - Development has started, and you are invited to participate. We want to share every moment of development with you. Every failure, every success, every setback, every breakthrough. Our most recent development, Natural Selection 2, has been (and continues to be) chronicled by over 424 blog posts. This blog will do the same for Subnautica. Over the coming months, we hope you will join us. We hope you will tell us what we are doing right, what we are doing wrong, and help us stay on course. We hope this game will give you wonderful experiences: Not just when it is released, but throughout development. This will not be an easy journey. While we are confident we will succeed, we know that we will stumble. We hope that if we do right by you, you will catch us when we fall. And when this game is ready to be announced to the world, we hope you will help us share it far and wide. From everyone at Unknown Worlds: Welcome aboard. Let's descend into the depths.

Read more Subnautica reveal posts: The Crew of Subnautica | Descend into the Depths

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