Subnautica PRAWN Update Released

A new Subnautica update is available on Steam! Presenting: The Pressure Re-Active Waterproof Nano Suit, or PRAWN Suit. Check out the PRAWN Update site to see it in action. This is a Steam update. To find out when PRAWN is available on Xbox One, sign up to the Xbox One development mailing list, and follow @SubnauticaXbox on Twitter. 

 The PRAWN Suit may be modified via a modular upgrade system. Every PRAWN comes standard with a Claw Arm, which may be used to smash resource nodes and grab objects. You can also install:

  • Mining Drill: Collect resources from large resource deposits
  • Grappling Hook: Fires a grapple to reel in small objects, and pull the suit towards large objects.
  • Torpedo Launcher: Fire torpedoes to defend yourself against aggressive creatures
  • Propulsion Cannon: Lift, attract, and launch small and medium sized objects

The PRAWN update also features a huge expansion of explorable areas inside the Aurora Starship.

These new areas contain new technologies, story pieces, and creatures that will do their best to ruin your day.
You can now sprint by holding the shift key, for faster exploration and possibly total exhaustion: The soundtrack to the PRAWN Update was created by our very own Simon (Sy1k1), and is available on SoundCloud:  Want to be notified next time Subnautica receives a big update? Sign up to the Subnautica Mailing List! You can also follow development on Subnautica's Trello Board. Leave us feedback by pressing F8 in game, and by posting comments below. Thanks for playing, and happy diving! 

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