Thank you for all the feedback on Update 329. This hotfix should serve to improve your experience. A note to our Linux users; Although we no longer directly support a Linux client, please be aware that NS2 does run when using Proton. If you are unable to start NS2 via Proton (right click at Library entry -> Properties -> check Force the use of a specific steam play compatibility tool -> select latest version of proton) please confirm that your system is compatible to dxvk (see https://github.com/lutris/lutris/wiki/How-to:-DXVK ). Tweaks / Improvements
  • Removed the DirectX 9 render option and defaulted all clients to DirectX 11. A lot of clients have been frequently crashing due to a bug in the DirectX 9 render pipeline
  • Renamed the Atmospheric Quality options and added a warning to make users aware that the high and extreme options are only meant to be used on really powerful systems
  • The Anti aliasing graphics option will default to FXAA instead of TAA. We had a lot of users reporting performance issues with TAA enabled on low to mid-tier hardware
  • Make sure to cleanup unused intermediate GUIView objects when done rendering GUIStyledText. Leftover GUIViews could cause performance issues
  • Added the current count of GUIViews to g_stats
  • Improved the menus fonts (AgencyFB) so they are easier to read and don’t look as blurry
  • Improved the server console fonts scaling to be easier to read
  • Disabled MouseButtonOne as possible binding to toggle the console to avoid that users become unable to interact with the menu without editing the remote option file manually
  • Fixed that the remote option (bindings) reset at every launch of the game for some users due to a faulty xml node name. And added safety guards to the engine for this to not happen again
  • Fixed that users on windows 7 without update KB2670838 installed couldn’t start the game due to missing support for DirectX 11.1
  • Fixed TAA causing black pixel artifacts under DXVK (used by Proton)
  • Fixed that some weapon tracers were never destroyed causing performance issues
  • Fixed that some art assets were not properly precached for new menu
  • Fixed profile pictures in the friends list did not always display correctly
  • Fixed that the new server browser didn’t take reserved slots into account
  • Fixed that the menu text entry cursor was blurry / wasn't using distance field font correctly
  • Fixed that some spectator UI elements blocked input from passing to the main menu.
  • Fixed various typos in the new menu
  • Fixed a script error caused by removing a badge that returns to some off-screen part of the tray (only happened with large numbers of badges).
  • Fixed that the abyss gorge only unlocked after 6 instead of 5 played rounds on Origin

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