Umloud, Child's Play and Unknown Worlds

When you run, clamber or fly through the corridors of Tram or the tunnels of Mineshaft, you could be forgiven for taking the experience for granted. Your avatar is free of your physical self, your experience separate from the real world around your PC. Yours is a playground in which your physical limitations are irrelevant.

That irrelevancy allows Child's Play to improve the lives of countless children. When in a hospital, or other physically limiting situation, children benefit greatly from engaging with games. They are a distraction, a challenge, a stimulation, a social experience and a source of great fun.

When Charlie and Max first founded Unknown Worlds, they measured everything in burritos. How many burritos will that new PC cost? Can we afford a new Windows license, or even office space with an actual window? The development of Natural Selection 2 was always tight, dollar signs casting a long shadow over every decision.

Therefore, it is with the most immense pride that Unknown Worlds will be a premier sponsor of Umloud, a Rock Band themed charity event in San Francisco, hosted by Tim Shafer and held tomorrow night. All the proceeds from Umloud go to Child's Play, and if you are in the Bay Area and 18+ you are welcome to attend.

No one in the office dared dream that one day UWE would be in a position to give back to the gaming community in such a meaningful way.

What's more, we will be on stage performing - Steve will be on vocals, Charlie on guitar, Brian (The Chops version) on drums and Hugh on bass. The whole thing will be live-streamed. Keep an eye on our Twitter / Facebook for links / times for the stream.

It is going to be a blast, for a great cause. We hope to meet up with some of you at the DNA lounge, and everyone should keep Steve in their thoughts as he prepares to meet the microphone.

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