ESL Tournament Details

Tomorrow, we're all going to get the chance to enjoy the biggest competitive event in Natural Selection 2 history. It's starting at 2000CET, 1400EST, 1100PST, 1900UTC. You can watch the whole thing unfold on

Live from Cologne, Germany, Exertus and Archaea are going to duke it out for all the glory. We've flown them from their homes and put them up on the Rhine so they can participate live, on a LAN, with their teammates. There will be Q&A sessions with Charlie, competitions and prize giveaways during the stream. (Hint, get your fan-art submissions ready!)

This is special for so many reasons. It is special because this is a stage of a size that NS has never seen before. It is special because it gives competitive NS2 players the chance to all meet up in one city, and play together in person. It is special because it has been borne of amateur, community organised competition. It is special because it is the tip of the iceberg, the barest hint of where NS2 could go in future.

We hope you'll join us to enjoy the action!

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