ENSL.org Season 11

First of all we would like to thank everybody who took part at last week's Newcomer Tournament. We hope both participants and spectators enjoyed it as much as we did. In addition a special thanks goes out to Ixian, Luchs and Hoeloe who casted this event and every ensl.org referee and admin. Because without them this tournament would never have happened. In case you participated your badge is now available in your steam inventory. You can enable it in-game via the Customize Player menu. Should somebody miss their badge please leave a comment below. For all of those who are now fired up for some more competitive Natural Selection 2 action we have good news: You can now sign up for Season 11! To see which teams have signed up for Season 11: http://www.ensl.org/contests/357 How to Create a Team/Join a Contest: http://www.ensl.org/topics/1773 How to Find a Team: http://www.ensl.org/topics/1774 Pros of signing up for Season 11:
  1. Play NS2 together with your friends.
  2. Play against similar skilled players/teams in each league's division.
  3. Improve your in-game teamwork and enjoy NS2 at it's finest.
  4. Improve your map awareness, decision making, time management and class/lifeforms play in competitive NS2.
  5. Get another fancy in-game badge.
  6. Earn your spot on the Hall of Fame of Competitive NS2: http://www.ensl.org/articles/402
So don’t be shy! Grab your team and sign up. The exact date of the seasons start will be announced at ensl.org .

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