Community Spotlight

Without doubt the community is what makes Natural Selection 2 so unique and special. The passion of many community members goes beyond the game and lets them start projects to support this community and the game in every possible way. Many of those projects have influenced Natural Selection 2 in various ways but sadly often didn't got the attention they deserve. So it’s time to give those projects some spotlight. Now without further delay I’ll let Pelargir introduce his current project Let me introduce myself first, I’m Pelargir and I’m typing up this post to present you our latest project: NS2News. So what is NS2News ? For those who haven't heard about it yet, NS2News is a new project which might bring you renewed interest if you’re all curious about what’s happening in Natural Selection 2 and if you’re looking for a single source for news on UWE, CDT, NSL, other announcements from servers and communities and much more. NS2News is here to serve you. We are collecting everything interesting related to the Natural Selection universe - like new game patches, exciting competitive matches, flashy new crosshairs, high quality maps, fan-made tributes, and entertaining posts. Our team is made up of Yojimbo and tudy as authors, Lalo as designer and Vindaloo as server provider. A few weeks ago, a button called NS2News under M working via [Shine] Epsilon was added. Beside allowing us to get a large audience, you can accordingly visit NS2News on any server running this plugin. Lately, our project has grown bigger and we’re now running NS2News through our brand new website: Nevertheless, we are always looking for more motivated people, in particular: authors, editors and designers. Thanks everyone! Don’t forget to follow NS2News on Twitter:

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