Clearing up Some Confusion

Hey guys, just a quick post from me to clear up some confusion. (convenient tldr below!! :D) As you know, this whole "Paid Dev Team" thing kicked off with 5 announcement posts all at once, which was a bit odd, as we've usually just done one at a time.  The reason for this is we've been trying to shift the purpose of these blog posts from official announcements, to a more laid-back developer blog where each individual can post their thoughts fairly independently of the other team members.  This format allows us to post about any topic we choose, and this opens a discussion with the community. For example, I recently posted about the modding and mapping tools I've been working on for Spark.  I was pleasantly surprised by the positive support I've been hearing for the FBX compiler.  I was also blown away by how many people missed my Trim Tool when 278 had to be rolled back.  To be perfectly honest, I didn't realize how many active mappers we had!  That was definitely an encouraging revelation. What this laid-back approach really boils down to is each team member just speaking their mind.  It's not that we don't talk to each other or that we don't have any plans, but sometimes it's helpful to gauge the community response to an idea, or at the very least to air our thoughts. TL:DR: Think of these posts as a dev blog, rather than official announcements. Cheers! Trevor "BeigeAlert" Harris

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