Build 260 Live on Steam!

  It seems like only yesterday that we were talking about Natural Selection 2 Build 250. But then game 251, 252... And now we're at 260. 260 is a special build because it represents a tight collaboration between Unknown Worlds and you, our community. SamusDroid is an NS2 player with a bit of a dab hand for fixing annoying bugs. He had previously published mods that dealt with stuff that UWE had not manged to fix. By combining his energy and skill with the experience and wisdom of Andi, many of those fixes have now made it into the official game. This is no mean feat. What works in a mod does not necessarily work in the full game: Unforeseen dependencies, modded bits not playing nice with un-modded bits, and the general mind-boggling complexity of a big game like NS2 mean that a mod cannot simply be shoved into the official code-base and be expected to work. The results that SamusDroid and Andi have achieved together are truly remarkable, and we can't wait to see what they can do together in future. Look out for build 261 folks, it could be a doozy. Here is the full changelog: Balance Whips will now unroot when teleported by a shift (Won't attach instantly anymore after a use of Echo) Reduced drifter turn speed Mucous membrane now heals a maximum of 65 (down from 104) per application, depending on target armour Reduced heal wave effectiveness by 15% Reduced whip slap range by 1 meter Reduce drifter armour to 20, from 80 (increased health to compensate) Stormcloud will now affect drifter turn rate slightly Fixes Fixed mouse over sound randomly being played as gorge Fixed missing goowallnode.model file not found error causing consistency failures Fixed a rare issue where backspace could mess up the server browser when bound to chat Fixed bug causing communication status icons to be offset from a player Fixed bug causing view model to spazz out when stomped/stunned Fixed Exosuit damage effects remaining on screen while spawning Fixed red command structure icons showing when in a Gorge Tunnel with hints on Fixed bug allowing bots to move around while evolving/spawning Fixed console spam under normal conditions when playing with bots Fixed exosuit claw not leaving a decal when hitting world geometry/props Fixed death messages being cut off in the kill feed Fixed a missing hookup preventing female marine sprint sounds from playing Fixed Skulk Xenocide sound continuing to play if the player dies before a successful Xenocide Fixed bug causing a script error when 'spawn alien' or 'create alien' was typed in console Fixed the leaf clipping through the wall in the main menu Fixed black void on the right of the screen in the main menu Fixed Shift’s not having flinch animations when damaged Fixed file not found errors when loading a map Fixed Lerk’s not having emissive properties Fixed Lerk’s not being highlighted in Alien vision Fixed dropship being highlighted in Alien vision Fixed bug where a mature bombard whip would damage you twice when slapping you Improvements Tweaked MAC build construct effect frequency to prevent excessive material loading Added missing communication status icons offset for Onos and Fade, so they are no longer at model origin Increased minimum distance-from-observatory to allow a marine to be beaconed (reduces instances of failure to beacon, and beaconing within the same room) When spawning a clog, it will now spawn the correct model depending on your Gorge variant Adding missing caustics effects to the main menu Added waterfall sound effect to the main menu Reduced excessive tree sway in the main menu Contamination icon will now look like Contamination (win.) SDK Fixed hotloading of textures Other Fixed a bug causing a failure of the playtesting GUI to refresh on report rejection Tram Generated new pathing mesh Generated new reflection maps Biodome Fixed some pathing mesh issues. Fixed structures going under glass platforms in Atmosphere Exchange Cleaned up commander view in Platform, Alley, West Corridor and Bamboo Pass Generated new reflection maps Refinery Fixed bugs in pathing mesh Fixed a few flickering textures Veil Fixed some glass to be reflective biodome glass Fixed signs near sub sector to use the correct names Hid all the steam particle effects from the Commander view.

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