Update 306 is now live on steam!

Our latest build continues on the path of refinement and stability, and although small there are some nice changes in this patch. Those of you with antivirus woes when opening NS2 should no longer have an issue as all our windows binaries are digitally signed and secure. As stated in the blog post earlier this week, we increased the size of the melee attack on both the skulk and fade and this change is no longer an extension but part of the vanilla code. We have also decided to slightly bump up skulk HP requiring an additional 2 bullets to make contact. Behind the scenes we are continuing our work on HIVE 2, which is coming along nicely and should see the public soon! Meanwhile FSFOD has not wasted any time on his upgrade of LUAJit and we will be beta testing those changes starting next week. We are very excited to get some of these new features out into the public, but for now, enjoy the update! Update 306 Details: Tweaks / Improvements
  • All Windows binaries are now digitally signed, which should make AV & Security programs consider NS2 as a validated program. There are some AV programs that will not take this into consideration however (such as Avast Hardened-mode enabled).
  • Warmup Mode Improvements
    • Enemies will slowly take damage while in the other team's spawn location and will receive a notification to retreat
    • Bots will no longer buy tech or evolve, to prevent overwhelming the enemy team with Onos
  • Filler bots will be disabled for listen servers
  • Disabled many rookie-only checks in listen servers
  • Boosted Skulk starting health by 15hp to 85/10
  • Size of Skulk melee has been increased to 1.2, 1.2 (was 0.7, 1)
  • Size of Fade melee has increased vertically to 0.7,1.2 (was 0.7,1)
  • Fixed that filler bots stayed longer in the teams than they should which could lead to uneven teams
  • The player list now updates properly in the server details window
  • Mod names now update properly in the server details window
  • Fixed that the sv_forceeventeams command wasn’t working
  • Fixed that the “start commanding” text showed up at unbuild hives (thanks NoM)
  • Fixed that commander dropped weapons caused phantom item bubbles

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