Subnautica OSX Test Version Available
Until now, Subnautica has only run on Microsoft Windows. It is not a trivial exercise to make a game run on multiple operating systems, but we would like as many people as possible to have the opportunity to play Subnautica. As of today, it is possible to run Subnautica on Apple OS X!Max, Jonas & others have worked hard to make this happen. We are not sure yet if we can officially support and maintain a separate OS X version of Subnautica. It could be lots of extra work, or not too much. To work out which it is, we need your help!

If you have an Apple computer, and you own Subnautica, please try playing the game on it. Tell us if it works, if it runs badly, if it crashes, if it stutters. Tell us if the graphics are all messed up, or if the game causes your computer to spontaneously combust. Check out the development feedback Steam Guide for all the ways you can contact us.To run Subnautica on OS X, open Steam and then go to Subnautica in your Steam library. Control click it, and select properties. Go to the ‘betas’ tab, and select ‘experimental’ from the drop down menu. This will cause an OS X version of Subnautica to begin downloading.

On many Macs Subnautica will likely take quite some time to load. You may see the loading screen appear to be stuck, or the spinning pinwheel appear. Please be patient, and do not click the window. Give it at least four minutes before attempting a force quit. In the majority of cases Subnautica will eventually load.