Today we made our internal task tracker, a Trello board, public. Anyone can now see what the Subnautica team is working on, in real time. You can see where we are delayed, where we are fast, our failures and successes. The board covers almost all of Subnautica development!
Not included are in-progress trailer renders (super serious secret stuff guys!), some story elements (also super secret!) and our 3D art production pipeline (housed in a separate tracker that can't be easily made public.)
Our builds usually run on a Monday to Friday timescale. On Mondays, we generally self-direct, analyse the previous build, and scope the week's work. On Friday evening, builds are made as we all run off for the weekend. Apart from the areas mentioned above, roughly 80% of what we do is tracked on this Trello board. Enjoy poking around!
If you ever have a question about something you see us working on, go ahead and Tweet at us. Click here for a list of our Twitter handles.