Squad 5 March 2016
It’s time for the next round of Squad 5 awards!
This batch of recipients are comprised of somewhat lesser known individuals who have still made amazing contributions to our game and community. This is exactly what this program is meant for, publicly recognizing those lesser known for their hard work.
Be sure to try out the fruits of their labor when applicable, so that you can determine for yourself the level commitment that is associated with being a Squad 5 recipient, and because these people have spent hundreds of hours all towards something they hope that you will enjoy.
Note that the only way a member can be considered for Squad 5 is if YOU nominate them here!
Be sure to congratulate these community members, in game or in these forums, they deserve it.

@Katzenfleisch For the heart pounding Faded mod and guide that have been maintained since June 2013. If you are reading this and you haven't tried this mod, you should! Bring a fresh pair of underpants.
@Malx For creating Nexus, a map which defies the standards of traditional mapping, which provides a fresh approach to tactics for competitive and public players alike. As well as for your continued contributions in Map Testing. On a personal note, I am excited to see what you do with ns2_Hera!
@Warboy For being a reliable and resourceful Playtester over the many years who has provided NA PT servers at the drop of a hat when things go wrong, always shows / always informs his leads if he cannot show, and is the first to volunteer to write up a robust bug report. Your dedication to QA has not gone unnoticed.
@MasterG For creating Mineral, an amazing and highly regarded custom map. It isn't easy to create fully realized and balanced maps in the Spark Editor, so thank you for the time and effort you have put in - it shows.