Spark SDK (Build 128) Released
We've just published a new patch for the Spark SDK. The Spark SDK is the package which includes the level editor and other tools for Natural Selection 2, which we've made available to everyone who pre-orders the game.
This patch includes a few bug fixes, new artwork and the content pipeline tools for getting models and textures ready to be used in the engine. We're still working on some documentation on how to use the content pipeline tools and we hope to have that for you really soon. Here's the complete list of changes in this patch:
- Added the Builder application to the SDK
- Added model and texture compilation tools to the SDK
- Added a field for specifying your email address in the crash reporter dialog
- Added new refinery pipe mods
- Added new refinery wall mods
- Added new refinery tram machine
- Added new refinery tram pads
- Added new mining track
- Fixed grid snapping when using adaptive grids
- Fixed flickering artifacts caused by rendering overlapping lines
- Fixed bug where creating a face with the Rectangle tool adjacent to another face would not always fill in the new face
- Fixed bug where creating a rectangle inside of a hole in another face would sometimes create incorrect geometry
- Fixed occasional crash when undoing a create rectangle operation
If you've already installed the Spark SDK, it will automatically detect the update and give you the option to install when the editor is launched. If you haven't installed it, you can download the installer from here. Note that in order to run the editor you will need your pre-order key.
If you haven't pre-ordered it and would like to, you can still do so here!