Site progress and new game job
Thanks for all the e-mail! It never ceases to amaze me how smart, active and just plain helpful our community is. After asking for a PHP programmer to help with the NS site in the last update, I was inundated with candidates, all of which are willing to work only for their love of NS! I received well over 60 PHP programmers, many of which are experienced professionals. I guess I should've asked for help sooner...
We now have one new person working on the site and he's getting up to speed quite quickly. He's finishing off the Constellation/Paypal integration and helping to fix some site optimizations having to do with the forum search functionality. I believe we have one of the largest Invisionboard communities, and it doesn't seem to be well-suited to searching the text of millions of posts. We may end up taking on another programmer to help out, but adding programmers to a task often slows overall progress instead of speeding it, so we're going to wait a little longer before deciding. The site is getting better every day and we are eager to open it back up to the public.
However, there is another programming opportunity that may help out someone in the community and us as well. We are friends with a local, well-funded gaming startup that is in need of a PHP programmer. If you think you might be interested, e-mail David your resume and tell him that you heard about the job through Charlie of Unknown Worlds. If he ends up hiring you, he'll contribute a nice chunk of change to Unknown Worlds which will really help us with our next game. Kind of like donating to Constellation...hundreds of times. :) This would be a great opportunity for an experienced web programmer to move into games and would help our friends and Unknown Worlds out all at the same time. For full details, check this job post.
Thanks for your patience and help!