My name is Chris “IronHorse” Gates and I wanted to announce a couple of things to the Natural Selection 2 community today.
First off, UWE has brought me on board as staff with the title of QA Manager, with the goal in mind to ensure only the highest quality updates are shipped. When things are broken or you find a bug, you no longer have to play telephone to get the right developer for the right job - I’m your guy! You can find and message me on the forums, through steam, or better yet our Discord server. Having worse frame-rate this patch? Experiencing a weird map glitch? I want to know all your woes, friend! Send them my way. When things get missed, or slip through in an update and aren’t in the changelog, I’m the guy you can point the finger at.
Secondly, part of my role of ensuring quality updates and assisting the community with issues, is going to be managing a dedicated playtesting team. We are going to shift from our traditional process to a hopefully more efficient one, where we run a smaller hardcore strike team that hunts, reports, and verifies fixes for bugs. This team will also have their suggestions and feedback heard by the rest of the team, by utilizing a system that helps achieve a consensus through voting.
Because a smaller team isn’t enough to test practical rounds played, we’ll have regular public playtests that will be announced in our Discord server, in Reddit, and our official NS2 Steam Group so that anyone can jump in and not only test the stability of the build, but also get a sneak peek at new features that might ship out soon.
With that being said, our smaller strike team could always use an extra hand, so if you feel you have great attention to detail, and are the sort of person who likes giving feedback and breaking things.. Sign up here!