The Natural Selection League (NSL) has opened signups for two new NS events: A Newcomer Tournament, and NSL Season 7. These events cater to a wide range of skill levels, and will provide a more organised play experience than public games can deliver. Natural Selection 2 comes alive when played in an organised environment. Teamwork, voice-communications, and the pressure of playing for a title all come to the fore.
The Newcomer Tournament is aimed at those with less competitive NS2 experience, who are looking to try a more organised play style. Matches will take place on September 19th and 20th. Anyone that does not play in the NSL or AusNS2 leagues is welcome to
join up. It's not necessary to have a team to play. The NSL will organise everyone into teams (how's that for service?). That means it is possible to
sign up to the Newcomer Tournament as a single player. Sign up to the Newcomer Tournament using
the signup form. Detailed information about how the competition will work is also available in the NSL's
help document. The Natural Selection League has a hallowed history, having operated since the early days of Natural Selection 1 in the early 2000's. Now, season 7 is here. This is the defining competitive NS2 event - The best players and the best teams come together across multiple, skill-ranked divisions. Signing up for the NSL requires having an account on the website. Once you have an account, there are instructions for team-creation in the
NSL announcement post. As with the Newcomer Tournament, the NSL will handle organisation and skill-ranking. It's time to play in some organised 6v6s,
sign up now!
- Hugh