NS/DS unveiled
Unknown Worlds Entertainment takes great pleasure in announcing its first retail game: Natural Selection for the Nintendo DS! Dubbed "NS/DS", this hand-held wonder will bring NS to a completely new market, taking full advantage of the quirky DS' features.
- Dual screen shows extra information about your team, depending on your current role. Marines see a tech-tree showing what the Commander should be doing and isn't, Aliens get a Kharaa pronunciation guide and Commanders see team stat totals like "HumpTime", "WastedRes" and the percentage of team currently in "Processing".
- Custom soundtrack by AC/DC! Includes reworked favorites like "J00 Made J00", "Whole Lotta Onosi" and "You Ate Me All Night Long"! That's not all, for NS/DS comes with unlockable mini-games for even more fun!
My Pet Gorge - Stroke, feed, love and punish everyone's favorite slime-pig. See how long you can keep him alive!
Whack-A-Lerk - Lerks pop out of ventilation ducts and clip hull anomalies...whack them before they spore (or "chuckle" at) you!
IMinella - Match the pitch and timing of the alien sayings with the NS voice actors and you may "win" big (Unknown Worlds takes no responsibility for damages incurred while playing in public)!
Mansnare - While marines try to walk towards a hive, use the stylus to draw webs across doorways to stall them! How long can you hold out?
Creeping Death - A subtle game of bacterium diplomacy and conquest.
Feel the Mike - Use the microphone to convince, cajole or plead with your marines to get them to their waypoint! If they're ignoring you, try it louder!
Look for NS/DS at your favorite Wal-mart soon!
Disclaimer: Due to the near impossibility of an independent company actually getting a DS development kit, DS-specific features are subject to change.