NS2 Build 154 released (Havok, new UI)

We just submitted the new build of the NS2 alpha to Valve so it should be auto-updating shortly!


  • Changed collision detection to use the Havok engine
  • Optimized trace ray and sweep capsule tests
  • Fixed bug where keys could get stuck down after a frame hitch
  • Fixed bug where players could not be removed from the scoreboard after they left the game
  • Fixed bug where bots would not be properly removed from the server
  • Fixed crash on exit when trying to run the game without Steam running
  • Fixed bug where particle systems weren't properly occlusion culled
  • Fixed hardware cursors not being properly released on shutdown
  • Fixed bugs with the occlusion culling system not properly determining if something is visible
  • Changed the "Couldn't Connect" error message to be more descriptive
  • Added net_messages console command to log network messages received
  • Added r_gui console command to enable/disable drawing the GUI
  • Added the ability to include PROFILE markers in script code
  • Added support for Lua GUIs on models (i.e. ammo display on the Rifle)
  • Gameplay

  • Completely re-did marine, alien and "shared" (waypoints, chat, death messages, etc.) interfaces in Lua (was in flash). You should see noticeable frame-rate improvements.
  • Added very basic bots for load testing ("dev 1" at server, "addbots #" or "removebots #"
  • Armory "buy" menu fully client-side now so it's much more responsive
  • Hydras now build smoothly
  • MACs and Drifters now cost energy to produce (further eliminating spam and overly simplistic defense)
  • Sentries turn off completely without power
  • Power nodes have almost-dead and dead electricity/sparking effects
  • Reduced number of network messages and footstep sounds dramatically
  • Networking optimizations
  • Power nodes work on level change
  • Structure flinch animations fixed
  • Changing weapons as marine is now faster and more reponsive
  • Added basic pathing for bots (when commanding)
  • Fixed MAC welding effects
  • Skulk leap now requires research (on the Whip, coming soon)
  • Fixed "doubling up" of some sounds
  • Also, here's the changelog from the previous version which we released previously (Build 153):


  • Fixed the net_lag console command
  • Fixed the player limit on servers
  • Fixed bug where the server could send two updates with the same time
  • Fixed bug where attempting to connect to a nonexistent server would not properly fail
  • Fixed issue where time would not advance uniformly on the client causing motion to appear jerky
  • Fixed bug where disconnecting and then reconnecting to a server could put the game in an incorrect state
  • Fixed bug where clients sometimes couldn't move when when connected to a server
  • Added support for extrapolation past the last update from the server
  • Added a timeout for authenticating with the Steam servers
  • Added displaying the average server tick rate with the net_stats console command
  • Gameplay

  • Fixed problem where infinite MACs and Drifters could be built and cause problems (now limited to 25 units in an area)
  • Fixed power node in tram marine expansion
  • Power nodes can be repaired properly again
  • Fixed extractor multiple upgrade bugs
  • Fixed hive sight drawing incorrectly
  • Fixed sentry accuracy problems
  • Fixed lowered server CPU performance when using sentries
  • Fixed problem with power nodes on map reset
  • Fixed missing text tooltips for commander UIs
  • Fixed build harvester problem from gestate menu
  • Fixed death message weirdness
  • Fixed ns2_junction minimap
  • Changed power nodes to pulse red when out of power (makes it more obvious)
  • Lots more coming soon. Stay tuned!

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