Natural Selection Source Code Released!
Back in 2002, Natural Selection was released... httpv:// Since then, lots has happened. Unknown Worlds was formed and NS2 was released, reaching multiple times the number of players the original mod did. Charlie, the creator of NS, has come so far that he's now working on a new game: Subnautica. But we will never forget what started it all. Today, we are proud to announce that Natural Selection Source Code is now available to anyone, free of charge. Head on over to GitHub to get it. It's not 'open source' - There is some legal hoo-ha that prevents that. But it is all there.

You can use the NS source code to make your own version of the original game, fix problems with it, make new problems, or just see how the game worked. httpv:// We hope you enjoy tinkering with it. NS was one of the greatest mods of all time - And we can't wait to see what you are able to do with it.