Natural Selection 2 v1.0 released on Steam


Alert to Frontiersmen. Alert to Frontiersmen.


After a journey of over 5 years, after many course adjustments and the judicious use of fuel, we approach station NatSel. Repeat: prepare to dock with NatSel.

The Kharaa presence has been confirmed onboard. Before we lost our readings, sensors showed multiple forms moving at incredible speed through the ventilation shafts and maintenance tubes. Expect immediate and intense conflict the moment you deploy.

Control the resources. Defend your base. Listen to your commander. Be prepared to face more and more powerful alien foes. Learn their many forms and abilities, and how to counter them. Find the heart of the Kharaa threat, and eradicate it. The battle begins now. Its outcome rests in your hands.

Luck and victory to us all.


Natural Selection 2 on Steam



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