Natural Selection 2 April Development
At Unknown Worlds, Natural Selection 2 is king. Five months since launch, we have not moved on to any new projects and everyone is cranking on NS2 full time. Here's a video talking about some of the stuff happening in the office at the moment: httpv:// In the long term, Biodome is going to be drop dead-gorgeous. It's not yet near completion, but Cory's gorgeous artwork should give you a taste of what is to come. Here it is in medium-resolution glory (Silly WordPress not letting us upload files >1mb!).

If there is one theme that characterises NS2 development right now, it is 'thinking.' Thinking about gameplay, about engine technology, and about the best way to spend our limited person-hours to improve your play experience. This period is in stark contrast to the focused, concentrated push for release in October last year. It's a great spot for us to be in as a developer: NS2 has been successful enough for us to be able to think carefully about the future of UWE and the game(s?) we share with you. Onwards to new content, more speed, better gameplay, and more win!