Habitat Update Released
The Habitat Update is now available! Build an underwater home with Moon Pools, Observatories, large compartments, bulkhead doors, and more. Head over to the Habitat Update website to see all the new features in action, or stay on this page to see an update video, and screenshots. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6USpYf6Y47c Steam will automatically download the Habitat Update. Don't have Subnautica in your Steam library yet? Get a copy of Subnautica in the Steam Store.

The Moon Pool is the new king of sea-base components. This massive structure can be used to dry-dock a Seamoth submersible. The Moon Pool can be customised to your preference with reinforcements, windows, and multiple attachment points for corridors.

Subnautica features a diverse array of unique, beautiful underwater biomes. Thanks to the new Observatory, it is now possible to enjoy the view from the safety of a sea-base.

Large compartments provide lots of interior space. They include eight attachment points for the connection of corridors, dive hatches, windows, reinforcements, and other base modules.

Large compartments can be stacked, and ladders built between their decks.

Small lockers are a new storage option. They can be placed on sea-base walls, and feature a customisable label on the door.

Speaking of labels, it is now possible to create customised base signage. Use the builder tool to place a label, and then enter any text. Labels can be various sizes, have arrows, and include different background options.

Benches can be placed in sea bases. Sitting on a bench will stop hunger and thirst levels from increasing when playing in survival mode. Protip: Put a bench in an Observatory, and watch the underwater world swim by!

Sea-bases keep the ocean out. Water in a base is usually a very bad sign. But the Aquarium can be used to bring some in safely! Place an Aquarium and then put fish in it to create a zen decoration, or storage tank for creatures under study.

Vertical connectors allow the creation of multiple sea-base decks. They can extend corridors and compartments above and below existing levels. Build ladders inside to allow traversal between decks.

All these new base gizmos require power. A Moon Pool is a giant swimming pool unless it is fed electricity. The new power system allows the placement of various power generators, including solar panels and nuclear reactors.

Glass corridors provide new sea-base construction options. Structurally weaker than standard corridors, the provide panoramic views of the underwater world outside.