Decoda 1.09 released

Decoda 1.09 is now available for download. If you have auto-updates enabled, Decoda will automatically detect the update and download it (you can also manually do this by selecting Help/Check For Updates from the menu). Otherwise grab and run the latest installer from here.

Here's the change list for Decoda 1.09:

  • Added support for LuaJIT (just-in-time compilation is automatically disabled when the debugger is in use)
  • Improved evaluation and display of values and expressions when hovering over them in the code editor
  • Added auto-indentation so that the next line will have the same indentation as the current line
  • Added an information pane in the Project Explorer window to show the full file name of the currently selected item
  • Fixed occasional deadlock when the application being debugged called LoadLibrary was called while a DLL was being loaded
  • Fixed bug where changing the Windows DPI would cause some dialogs to be displayed incorrectly
  • Added icons to the call stack and virtual machines windows to show the current point of execution and the context in which the watch values are being evaluated
  • Fixed bug where selecting Close All Documents would not remove temporary files from the project
  • Fixed bug where selecting No in the Close All Documents dialog would cancel the operation instead of closing the files
  • Added Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete and Select All options to the Edit menu to allow them to be hotkeyed
  • Fixed bug where opening a file in the current instance would not restore the window if it was minimized
  • Fixed bug where the first call to luaL_loadbuffer would load the script twice in some instances
  • Fixed bug where nested for loops would not execute properly if there were expressions in the watch window
  • Improved display of multi-byte character strings in the watch window
  • Fixed memory overwrite when evaluating some multi-byte character strings in the watch window

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