Dangerous Creatures Released on Xbox One

The Dangerous Creatures Update has been released on Xbox One!

Visit the Dangerous Creatures Update site

The Dangerous Creatures Update brings a mixture of new features, bug-fixes, and performance improvements to Subnautica on Xbox One.

  • Sea Dragon Leviathan - A massive fire spewing inhabitant of the Lava Zone
  • Warper - Now you see it, now you don't... Enough said.
  • Tree Cove -  Gorgeous new Lost River area to explore
  • 3rd Abandoned Base - Looks for clues as to the fate of other explorers
  • Reinforced Dive Suit - Survive extreme heat
  • Crab Squid EMP - Your electronics are at risk

Check out the Dangerous Creatures Update site to see all the new goodies we've packed in.

We know that we still have a way to go with performance on Xbox One. We're always working toward making the game run more smoothly. No single update will provide a huge frame rate boost. Instead, performance will gradually and cumulatively improve over time. The Dangerous Creatures Update makes subtle improvements to performance that we will continue to build on in future updates. To be notified the moment Subnautica receives the next update on Xbox One, sign up to the Xbox One development mailing list, and follow @SubnauticaXbox on Twitter.

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