Natural Selection 2 Build 266 is now live on Steam! Today's release is the culmination of weeks of hard work by the new NS2 CDT - Community Development Team. A patch that has been developed entirely by the NS2 community - we are very proud and humbled to release it to you all. While it might be short in scope and stature, we hope you’ll find that your experience is now a little more refined.
This patch was created by the community, for the community and with Unknown World’s blessing. They have taken a gamble on us, but our shared passion for the Natural Selection franchise is what got us here today. Things like bug fixes and popular features have gone into this patch, but we have many more plans for the future!
You can also view our CLOGCAST Q&A. Hear about what people think of 266 and about potential things to come in 267. http://youtu.be/AmPKywkykQ0
Fixed commander selection bug that made buildings selected with hotgroups not respond properly sometimes
Fixed scoreboard not showing Spectators to players on teams (Thanks Wyzcrack)
Fixed bug where damage numbers wouldn't show the damage done in the killing blow
Fixed lights staying red if the power node is under attack (Thanks remiD)
Display correct team color/background for Alltalk voice chat (Thanks remi.D)
Fixed Gorge viewmodel idle animation not looping correctly on the top of the mouth
Fixed not being able to drop sentries before the first sentry battery is fully built
Fixed Bilebomb bouncing on top of the owner if it catches it and going through walls at the right angle
Fixed Exo eject sound playing before the eject animation
Fixed infestation blobs spawning on nocling geometry
Fixed players getting stuck on Infantry Portals if another player is afk on it
"nav_debug", collision, and physics console commands now require cheats to be on
Fixed unknown in server browser bug (thanks Person8880!)
Fixed Gorge spit not doing damage up close
Builder will now auto-generate overviews again now that all tools do not crash on exit
Fixed all tools crashing on exit
Fixed hitboxes on problematic rock props
Fixed NS2 crashing on startup if the client is subscribed to a mod that is deleted on the workshop
Fixed biodome_glass_01 file missing error
Fixed Kodiak and Summit loading screens
Fixed biodome_container_01_top having more than 255 polygons on the collision model
Connections between Phase Gates or Gorge Tunnels are now colored depending on the team, If there's more than 2 PGs it will switch to lines with animated arrows
Added player upgrades to the Insight player frames
Added Lerk deaths to Insight notifications
Colored ammo bars for Marine Commanders (uses same colors as Insight spectator system)
Commanders can see building ranges before dropping them
Mods list now automatically sorted by Active > Subscribed > Alphabetically. You can also sort by column now
"tunnel_allowed" material, which allows tunnel placement outside of nav mesh. Usage: paint material onto a face and put that face in CollisionGeometry
Fixed leafs clipping through glass
Fixed collision in Lobby and Canopy around props
Added missing trim around glass in Reception
Fixed sandstorm cinematic not playing
Fixed glass boxes being backwards in Analysis
Fixed temp greybox for missing prop
Fixed holes in Bamboo Pass
Fixed floating computer in canopy
Fixed flickering occlusion face issue in bamboo pass
Fixed some texture issues in ready room
Fixed a hole in Smelting
Fixed floating Resource Node in Smelting
Tunnels can now be placed near where the Smelting buckets leave the room in smelting near the door that leads to routing and the left ladder near the fire pit
Removed collision on the moving Smelting buckets
Detail change in Transit
Added pre-defined Infantry Portal spawn point in Flow to prevent it from spawning on the other side of the wall
Added tunnel_allowed geometry near pipes in Fabrication, the top level of Plaza, and near the desk in Plaza to allow for tunnel placement off navmesh
Fixed a lot of pathing
Fixed the pathing_settings from trying to use 48 tile size instead of the max of 36
Fixed reflections
Fixed a greybox texture in Terminal
Tunnels can now be placed on the lower level of Generator
Fixed a glass prop not being hidden from commander invisible
Once again, thanks to everyone in our community for their continued support of NS2! Please keep posting on the forums and giving us feedback. You can stay up to date on our progress by following us on Twitter @NS2CDT or by viewing our Public Trello. Cheers!