Beta Build 223 is Live

Build 223 is now live on Steam. This build includes hot fixes for some issues with the dedicated server and client in Build 222.

There were two problems that caused a lot of confusion with yesterday's patch. The first problem was we failed to effectively communicate changes about the dedicated server configuration to server operators. We're looking into setting up a mailing list for server operators so we can get this information out more effectively in the future. Stay tuned for more information.

The second problem was that there were bugs with the dedicated server that made the situation even more confusing. We should have caught these before the patch went out, but thankfully the community very helpfully provided information on how to reproduce the issues and they were easily fixed. Although we have opted for a quick release cycle rather than exhaustive testing during this beta period, we will be more diligent with our testing of the dedicated server to avoid similar problems again.

Here's the change log for Build 223:


  • Fixed -webdomain not allowing the web server to be bound to an IP.
  • Restored -webport command line option.
  • Fixed bug where invalid command line options would not be reported unless they were specified in a file.
  • Fixed bug where sv_changemap would not preserve mods.
  • Fixed crash when conflicting mods generated an error in the main menu before it was finished loading.
  • Fixed Explore mode not properly starting up.
  • Added a basic "loading" screen to the web server when the map is loading.
  • Fixed bug where the game mode wasn't propagated to the Steam master server under some circumstances.

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