Subnautica Precursor Update Released

A new Subnautica update is available on Steam! Our latest update is chock full of new secrets to unravel. Previously, you may have noticed strange, high-tech cubes - or bases - placed throughout the world. Now, these unusual objects come to life as someone (or something) flips the switch. Dive deep into the story of Subnautica and discover more answers and more questions. Check out the Precursor Update site to see all the update goodness. This is a Steam update. To find out when the Precursor Update is available on Xbox One, sign up to the Xbox One development mailing list, and follow @SubnauticaXbox on Twitter. Rising out of the ocean is the massive Precursor Array & Base. There is a lot to explore both within the new base and nearby. Be sure to bring a flashlight.

The area behind the Precursor Base is teeming with hidden gems and secret passageways. Ancient technology sits within these caves waiting to be awakened by you.
Scattered throughout the world are new Precursor story elements and clues.
The Lost River and Floating Island Biomes have received a thorough level-polish.
Be careful walking along cliffs, the world now has fall damage.
It's now possible to use the PDA while driving vehicles, a highly requested addition.
There's plenty more packed in to this update! Be sure to grab the update and have a swim around to enjoy the improvements. Want to be notified next time Subnautica receives a big update? Sign up to the Subnautica Mailing List! You can also follow development on Subnautica's Trello Board. Leave us feedback by pressing F8 in game, and by posting comments below. Thanks for playing, and happy diving!

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