Squad Five Awards: Round 2
Last month, Squad Five was launched as a way to recognise and help community members who have made consistent, positive contributions to the NS2 community. Collectively, these contributions have grown NS2 to what it is today. The first round of awards were given earlier this month - It is now time for the second!
If you know someone who has made a consistent, outstanding contribution to the NS2 community, nominate them here. Include as much information as you can! We have had some people nominated with no information: We don't doubt these people are awesome, but we need some more info about exactly what they have done.
Here is the second list of great community contributors:
Squad Five
Squad Five Silver
Of course, there are many unsung heros out there in the NS2 community. Everyone at UWE spends every day working on the game, and it is hard for us to keep track of all the awesome you guys create! Please, if you know of someone who is doing great things for NS2, nominate them in the nomination form!
The icons will still not yet show up in game. Our priorities right now must of course be gameplay and performance, so rest assured the icons will come one day and in the mean time they will appear on the forums!