Squad 5 June 2016
Squad 5 badges are handed out by the Natural Selection 2 community and us developers to show our eternal gratitude to those who helped growing NS2 and its community.
Anybody who makes a sustained, positive, and reasonable effort to support NS2 and / or the vibrancy of its community may be awarded with a blue icon.
Silver and Gold are 'big deals' and are only awarded extremely sparingly for outstanding efforts.
Thank you all for your contributions even if you haven’t made it into Squad 5 yet, and thank you to those who took the time to nominate them.
Note that the only way a community member can be considered for Squad 5 is if YOU nominate them here!
Be sure to congratulate these community members, in game or in these forums, they deserve it.
Squad 5 Gold

@Person8880 - For his “Shine” modification and the outstanding support of the server operator and modding community in the last 3 years.
Squad 5 Silver

@Zavaro - Being a PT Lead, MT Lead and now the ENSL Admin. All of these take a phenomenal amount of time and effort, and absolutely deserves our thanks and gratitude
Squad 5 Blue

@Well - For all his work to get Natural Selection 2 speaking Russian. It's a difficult task to translate that much, but it's a worthy endeavor as it brings more players into our community. We appreciate everything you've done.
@Brute - For his “Wonitor” modification. Everybody always like to have fancy graphs about the in-game stats of a server.
@Scatter - For his various mods e.g. “NS2:Assault”, “NS2:Overhaul” and “Modular Exo”. Furthermore, he was always a driving force in ensuring the Australian NS2 Community stayed healthy and strong
@Oozle For being another force inside the Australian NS2 Community. Without him hosting NS2 servers for years Down Under we would have never known how passionate the Australian folks can be about Natural Selection.
Your badges will be ready to claim for use in game by visiting http://hive.naturalselection2.com/ and clicking redeem badges after you've logged in.
Thanks everyone, and congrats!!