Spark SDK (Build 130) Released
We've just published a new patch for the Spark SDK. The Spark SDK is the package which includes the level editor and other tools for Natural Selection 2, which we've made available to everyone who pre-orders the game.
This patch is the last one of the year...and it's a big one! We've tried to incorporate the biggest feature requests and compatibility issues we've seen posted on the forums. Highlights include selection filtering, edge extrusion, Hammer-style material cloning and a fix for the "yellow shadows" bug on older GeForce cards.

Here's the complete change list:
- Added edge extrusion to the Extrude tool
- Added flip/mirror functionality to the Edit menu
- Added double-click functionality to select all elements connected to a face
- Added shift-drag duplication to the Move tool
- Added element selection filtering
- Added proper selection toggle using rectangle selection
- Added a list of bones in the the Viewer with the ability to highlight individual bones
- Added material cloning for selected faces (alt + left-click in Paint mode)
- Added support in COLLADA files for multiple nodes with the same name
- Added tech point model
- Changed asset filter to allow multiple keywords, as well as inclusion(+)/exclusion(-)
- Changed the Viewer to allow closer zooming on models
- Changed editor panning speed for improved middle-mouse dragging
- Unified auto-updating between all of the tools (updating one updates them all)
- Fixed bug where shadows would appear yellow on GeForce 5, 6 and 7 series cards
- Fixed lighting and shadowing artifacts caused by moving the camera
- Fixed bug where the movement/rotation gizmo wouldn't work at certain angles aligned with the camera
- Fixed bug where deleting a game from the Launch Pad would not deselect it from the other tools
- Fixed bug where the length of blended or layered sequences that contained 0 length animations would be computed incorrectly
If you've already installed the Spark SDK, it will automatically detect the update and give you the option to install when the editor is launched. If you haven't installed it, use the link below to download the installer.
Note that in order to run the editor you will need your pre-order key.
Download ns2_setup.exe (360.3M)
If you haven't pre-ordered it and would like to, you can still do so here. 10 out of 10 Natural Selection 2 developers recommend it!