October 31st is coming up. In the past, we've publicly alluded to October 31st as being our target release date for Subnautica on Steam. To make sure there is no misunderstanding, here's a post that clarifies our release date plans.
When it comes to release dates, only one thing is certain: There is no certainty. While we were quite keen to get Subnautica out on the 31st of October, it now looks most likely that we will release some time in January 2018.
This is a best guess, subject to change, and purely speculative. Like every other time-frame we talk about, it's best to just smile and nod and expect us to change it again.
We will stick to one hard-and-fast rule: The @subnautica Twitter feed, Subnautica blog (this website), Subnautica Facebook page, Steam News, and development mailing list will only announce a date when it is near-certain that we will hit it.
Meanwhile, our personal Twitter accounts, development roadmap, Discord channel, the forums and so forth will always be a source of release date rumour and speculation, both from within the development team and without. That's healthy and natural and positive.
So, if you hear news that Subnautica will release on such and such a day, check in here on the blog, Twitter, Facebook, or your inbox. If you can't see a date announced in one of those places, it's still speculative.
We can't wait for the day when we can celebrate release with you. All of your feedback, encouragement, critique, and of course, purchases have helped us to build Subnautica into a bigger, better, and (ahem) deeper game than we ever imagined it could be.
- Hugh