NS2 Build 161 Released
Build 161 of the Natural Selection 2 Beta is now available on Steam. There are a lot of changes in this patch, so it took some extra time to work through bugs; we should be back to releasing more frequent updates now.
Build 161 Change Log
- Rewrote marine Commander UI (now all Lua, not Flash) for massively improved frame rate for the Marine Commander!
- Changed Marines to put away their weapon when building
- Added data-driven effect system for artists (EffectManager.lua and *Effects.lua)
- New marine expansion room on ns2_tram
- Fixed timeout when creating a local server
- Fixed crash when Lua code performed an invalid operation
- Fixed the alien tech tree so the Whips have the proper prerequisites melee 1 > melee 2 > melee 3 (thanks Enceladus)
- Fixed observatory buttons to not be active until the observatory is built (thanks Enceladus)
- Fixed Crag upgrade menu not having a back button (thanks Enceladus)
- Fixed Skulk leap prediction issues
- Flamethrower look-up/look-down 3rd person animations fixed
- Fixed texture lock in the Editor
- Fixed bug where a WebRequest response was limited to 8192 characters
- Fixed exploit where an embryo would slide if the alien was moving prior to gestating
- Fixed bug where looking straight up and moving forwards would cause the player to move backwards
- Fixed bug where looking straight down and firing the pistol would cause the view to flip
- Fixed Alien "structure under attack" alerts not properly displaying
- Fixed bug where Aliens could use the Armory
- Fixed bug where Special Edition black armor didn't show up in the ready room
- Fixed Distress Beacon not working
- Fixed prediction issues with weapon unholstering
- Fixed bug where a Marine could obtain all of the weapons simultaneously
- Fixed commander tool tips not displaying the proper resource requirements (carbon, plasma, etc.)
- Fixed armor bug which was causing marines to be killed in 2 bites instead of 3 (thanks Harimaru)
- Fixed bug where the bots wouldn't use the current target's location to move/aim
- Fixed bug where bots would stop acting after they had killed their target
- Fixed bug where "create" command created 2 entities instead of 1
- Fixed bug where aliens could escape the map or get stuck in walls while evolving
- Fixed bug where clicking with Commander ghost selected the unit underneath (meaning you can support with med/ammo much easier now)
- Fixed Sentries not being able to see targets very close to it (now "sees" out of the camera on the model)
- Fixed bug where infantry portal wouldn't wait full spawn time before spawning players
- Added drawing commander buttons in red when they are available but you don't have enough resources
- Added the ability to drop weapons as a Marine (weapon pickup will be in a future patch)
- Added culling of lights when they have zero intensity (optimizes bullet impact effects)
- Added flashlight key binding (thanks Enceladus)
- Added support for joining a friend's game through the Steam UI
- Added the ability to get a player's Steam ID in script
- Added a parasite indicator on the Marine HUD
- Increased the brightness of the flashlight
- Changed marine and alien spawn timing (marines take 10 seconds to spawn at IP, eggs take 9 seconds)
- Changed the master server query port to be port+1 instead of being hard-coded to 27016
- Changed the names of parasited team-mates to be drawn in yellow in the HUD
- Tightened rifle cone of fire from 4 degrees to 3 degrees to make it feel more like NS1
- Added new alien and marine blood effects