New site, and Build 238 is coming!
Check out the fresh digs!, and NS2's home, have a new look! Read more about that here. Now, Build 238 is almost here! Identifying NS2 versions by Build number has benefits and drawbacks. On the one hand, it's fun to know that this is going to be the 238th version of NS2 (The initial builds being protoplasmic versions of the Source Development Kit). On the other hand, how many versions have there been since launch? To find out, we need high-order mathematics. The launch build was 227, so 238-227, carry the four... This is the 11th build since launch! Build 238 is a 'maintenance' style build. You know when the plumber comes around, and does 'maintenance' on your toilet? No, NS2 is not a toilet, but things do break. This build is mainly focused on fixing problems that have arisen in Build 237, and others that have been in Brian's sights for a long time. Now, you know when the plumber comes around, and installs a shiny new toilet for you? Yep, that is the NS2 equivalent is a content build. That is what we are aiming for in mid February, and it will contain lots of awesome new stuff. Maps, weapons, abilities, but no toilets. That said, some new features will be sneaking in to Build 238. One of them is a new way of starting a round. The game will not start until post sides have a commander - This should eliminate the problem of pub-stomps occurring because one team spent a minute discussing who would be commander. If you want to zerg-rush, you can just hop out as soon as the game starts.

Build 238 should arrive at about 2100 US-PST, today. We have one more big playtest this afternoon though, and if big problems are found we will delay the build. In the mean time, check out these two videos from a playtest yesterday
And in case you were wondering, no. Hugh does not get any more skilful in the second one.