Natural Selection 2 Free Weekend

A Natural Selection 2 Free Weekend will take place between Thursday, 21 March and Sunday, 24 March. During this free weekend, which is PAX week, NS2 will be 50% off! httpv:// This weekend, we expect over 15,000 people to concurrently play NS2, and some of them might like it so much they choose to buy the game. Whether or not they do, and whether our community grows even bigger after this weekend, will come down to two factors. The first is how good the game is. We've worked non-stop since launch four months ago to improve NS2. The Gorgeous Update added new content, and consistent maintenance patches (15 of them!) have improved performance, stability, balance and eliminated bugs. The most recent build, 242, has produced some noticeable performance improvements many users. NS2 is ready for a free weekend, and we're proud of how good it will be when people arrive. The second is how welcome we as a community make people feel. NS2 is a complex game with a steeper learning curve than many bigger titles, such as Call of Duty. During the free weekend, we can all improve newcomer's experiences by teaching new commanders, helping out newbies, and regularly jumping in the command chair ourselves! Now... About PAX. Each day during the PAX NS2 Free Weekend, the intrepid show team will bring you daily updates on the Unknown Worlds YouTube channel! Today, the team travels to Boston... httpv://  

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