Lab specimen concepts
What's a good sci-fi game or movie without alien specimens in a jar?
That's what long-time NS artist Cory thinks at least. So he created these sketches for a lab where scientists are studying the Kharaa. While NS took place during "first contact", NS2 has both sides studying each other. This sketch explains the concept:

...and here's a lab environment painting featuring these specimen pods:

It's pretty amazing to see how much more skilled Cory has become over the years. It's thrilling to watch.
In other news, our new website launch last Friday night (Saturday morning actually) seemed to go quite smoothly. It's always scary to work on something for so long without external feedback and testing and then to suddenly launch it, but it worked out great. The new site is humming along without any crashes or errors even with a couple hundred of you online!
We're going to love spending more of our time on the game and giving you updates more often. Hope you enjoy it!