Build 196 released
Work continues on some big new features including a new main menu and a new in-game help system. Those aren't done yet, but we wanted to roll out some other balance and bug fixes for you in the mean-time.
- Marines start now with an initial Infantry Portal.
- Used results from 10,000+ games in the spawning simulator to equalize time in the field for both teams: lowered infantry portal build time from 10 seconds to 7, and Armory from 15 to 12 (to try to lessen effectiveness of Skulk rush)
- Increased phase gate armor from 150 to 450 (total damage capacity up 20%). Increased kill point value from 15 to 20.
- Increased Marine sprint time from 12 to 15 seconds to help them better defend extractors.
- A Hive now produces Drifters when it is upgraded to a Crag/Shift/Shade hive instead of when someone occupies it.
- Added smoothing of player models when going up and down stairs.
- Changed the game FOV to be based around 4:3 aspect ratio.
- When the game selects the starting Resource Point, it chooses the closest one that is in the same location name as the starting Tech Point instead of purely the closest.
- Increased the range at which Weapons can be picked up from 1 meter to 1.5 meters.
- Added caching of light locations to improve client side loading times (thanks matso!)
- AI units won't stack on each other anymore during moving.
- Added 3rd person Grenade Launcher model.
- Added an option to specify if the Editor uses the system locale for displaying numbers or the default American locale.
- The Skulk extents are used when searching for possible Egg spawns from the Hive (avoids finding a location big enough for an Egg but too small for a Skulk)
- Fixed script error when a Marine with a Jetpack goes to the Ready Room when a game is finished.
- Fixed bug where particles would sometimes not have correct forces applied to them.
- The player will no longer spawn above the point they should spawn at (was causing players to get stuck in ceilings in some cases)
- Fixed bug where "use" button would be displayed if near an Armory that was just destroyed.
- Fixed Infestation-related script error.
- Fixed bug where the body rotation for Players wasn't properly reflected on the client model.
- Weapon pickup and drop events are no longer spammable.
- Player move orders will not be copied if the move order is within 15 meters of the player's position (prevents problem with move orders being copied between players continuously)
- Fixed View Model script error that occurred in some rare cases on the Server.
- Fixed bug where options in the Editor were serialized/deserialized in the current locale.
- Fixed error when a Hive finishes building while a Gorge is dying.
- Drifter trail is not visible anymore when cloaked.
- Hud will display only 2 decimals of gained resources.
- Fixed bug where Structure angles would gradually drift towards 0.
- Fixed script error when the Commanders drops a Med or Ammo pack directly on a Marine and then logs out of the Command Chair.
- Fixed bug where the MAC and Drifters were not lag compensated.
- Fixed bug where the build tooltip would appear for an unbuilt structure that had been destroyed.
- Fixed bug which caused an Alien players to spawn at a Marine Infantry Portal in some rare cases.
- Statistics not rendering properly.
- Added strafing animations to sprint
- Updated main menu background (in prep for new interface)
- Command Station bug fix (when it was opened and closed rapidly)
- Onos smash hit particle effect updated
- Added Drifter tail particle effect
- New Gorge particle effects
- Flamethrower particle effect revisited
- Grenade Launcher now shows up in third person
- Updated the Onos ability icons
- PathInclude flag added to prop_dynamic types in the Editor.
- Added an error message when setting the parent of an Entity to an Entity was destroyed.
- Added GetIsDestroyed() function to Entity.
- Changed OnDestroy to be called immediately when the Entity is marked for destruction.
- Added the name of the class when printing an error message about a network field.
We hope you enjoy playing the beta! See you online.