August 30: Reinforced
On August 30, Natural Selection 2 will receive its biggest makeover since launch. First, NS2 became Gorgeous. Now it will be Reinforced. Checkout this teaser to see the new logo. Keep an eye and ear out for tiny hints at some of the new content:
Features revealed for Reinforced include the female marine, Biodome, and Linux support. Lots of other hinted but secret stuff is also going in. We can't wait to take the wrappers off, and there aren't many days left.
Reinforced is a big deal and like Gorgeous, it will be totally free to anyone that owns Natural Selection 2. You might have noticed a trend in updates to NS2: They are all free. This begs the question - How will Unknown Worlds keep making these updates? How can NS2 continue to be developed if Unknown Worlds can't pay to keep Max in his coding cage? On August 30, we will answer that question.