Natural Selection 2 Post Mortem

Amongst fans, the long drawn out development process of Natural Selection 2 is the butt of jokes, the stuff of legend, and even sometimes a point of pride. People were there for it. They saw 'the war.' They were with us from the earliest technical demos to the roughest Alpha launches. The real story of NS2's development has been fragmented and dispersed. Hints have been dropped and piece of information given, but never has there been a cohesive, authoritative source of history. Until today, when Gamasutra published Charlie's "Post-Mortem" of NS2.

You can read the whole article by clicking here.

The article is a warts and all look at what went wrong, and what went right in development. What would UWE have done differently? What is Charlie most proud of? How was NS2 funded, and was there always enough money? Were there any points where it looked like the project would not be completed?

All these questions are answered, and more. Enjoy the read, and join the discussion about the article on our forums!

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