Decoda 1.10 released

Decoda 1.10 is now available for download. If you have auto-updates enabled, Decoda will automatically detect the update and download it (you can also manually do this by selecting Help/Check For Updates from the menu). Otherwise grab and run the latest installer from here.

In this release we fixed a bug which prevented the updater from working on Windows Vista. However, the existing auto-updater without the fix will be used to download and install this patch, so Vista users will have to download the installer manually. Future updates should auto-install properly.

Here's the change list for Decoda 1.10:

  • Added invoking a __towatch metamethod on userdata (if there is one) to allow displaying of members -- see documentation for details
  • Added invoking the __tostring metamethod on userdata (if there is one) to display the value in the watch window
  • Added display of types in the Watch window
  • Added feature where dragging an executable file into Decoda creates a new project for debugging that application
  • Fixed bug where expressions were not properly evaluated in the Watch window when execution was stopped due to an exception
  • Fixed bug where SCC plugins with names longer than 30 characters would not be displayed in the selection list
  • Fixed bug where the default hotkey for Edit/Delete was set to D instead of Del
  • Fixed UI errors in Windows Vista
  • Fixed bug where the auto-updater didn't properly work on Windows Vista
  • Fixed crash when scanning for a Lua signature in some applications
  • Fixed crash bug when there are multiple instances of the Lua API that are accessed in a different order than they are initially encountered (Fixes Wireshark)
  • Fixed crash when an application being debugged loaded a source file with 0 length
  • Fixed occasional deadlock when stopping a debugging session
  • Fixed occasional crash while debugging
  • Fixed crash when attempting to emulate lua_pushthread on a modified version of Lua 5.0
  • Fixed bug where lua_pushthread could not be emulated if Lua was compiled with 1 byte boundary alignment for structures
  • Fixed crash bug when adding an external tool without specifying a title

We're really excited about the Watch window improvements in this release. We use Lua and Decoda extensively in our own development and the ability to view userdata values in the Watch window makes debugging much faster. Check the documentation for information on how to implement the __towatch feature in your application to take advantage of this.

Other notable improvements are the ability to inspect values in the Watch window after Decoda has caught an exception, improved stability and compatibility.

As usual, please e-mail us at if you have any problems or suggestions.

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