Squad 5, alive!

Posted by brock 6 years ago

It’s been long overdue, you know it, I know it. But I suppose it’s better late than never!

Squad 5 is a system that allows us to recognize and award those community members who contribute in notable ways, often going above and beyond what a typical member might do. Their contributions help inspire and fuel our community, guide the direction of the game, and even fix some of the toughest issues. Without them, the game would surely be worse off.
Be sure to congratulate these members wherever you see them, and may their badges inspire others and demonstrate our appreciation for their awesome efforts.
From everyone at UWE: Thank you!!

Reminder that you earn each Squad 5 badge level, one


Who builds the builder that builds the builder?

Posted by brock 8 years ago
Natural Selection 2

Ed. Note: The context for this article can be found in the post “Let’s try something new.”

Greetings Babblings,

With all the excitement around the recent announcement on NS2’s future development, I thought it may be interesting for some to hear more about the ‘How’ versus the ‘What’. My biggest part of the CDT was managing all of its infrastructure: Servers, Repositories, Databases, and so on. From putting together all the hardware myself to setting up all of the associated servers, that was my gig.

This same role of “The Build Guy” will continue as I take a seat among the members of the new NS2 Development Team. Now that I’m moving to development on a much more significant basis,