Q&A About UWE Coming Back to NS2
Ed. Note: The context for this article can be found in the post "Let's try something new." These questions were collected and prepared by Chris 'Ironhorse' Gates. Chris' questions are in bold text. Answers are from Hugh, and written in standard weight text. Chris: Is NS2 actually able to be revived, or is this simply hopeful thinking that we can bring a sustainable number of players back and retain them? We would need new and interesting content, address players’ feedback directly, and have massive exposure in the media for it to work. Is this realistically possible with a 3 month time frame? Hugh: Yes. There's no simple hope here, there's informed optimism. The assumption that 'content' is needed is one that needs testing. We need come up with effective ways to work out what it is that NS2 needs, not presume we can intuit the answer. In that way, feedback is absolutely essential, yes. It's fundamental to this process that Unknown Worlds works out how to better respond to feedback on our decisions. A need for 'massive exposure in the media' is another assumption, but not one I think we are going to spend much time testing. Unknown Worlds has obtained substantial evidence that it is not a good assumption. That in fact, aiming for media exposure appears to be harmful to the success of a game. We've become much more successful with our products since abandoning it. We can't make NS2 big in three months, but can run useful experiments in three months. Those experiments can inform how we proceed towards 'big'. And along the way, I'm sure those experiments will yield some tangible improvements, though probably not massive ones.